em.me jewels are the result of the industriousness and craftsmanship of numerous Italian artisans who can transform, with their expert and meticulous hands, an idea into incomparable creations.
em.me was born from Paolo’s passion for jewels and their ability to express beauty and represent the essence of those who wear them, their emotions and their memories.

Paolo began working as a young gem setter in some goldsmiths in Valenza – the most famous and important jewellery centre in Italy – working for major brands. He gains a thorough experience acquiring all the most advanced techniques without forgetting good old-fashioned know-how, back when things were done with care, attention to details and time. After moving to Milan, he opens his own lab, continuing to work with the best jewellers and goldsmiths not only for gem-setting jobs for third parties but also to take care of the production process tailored to individual needs. In the last years, he moves abroad and, in Bangkok, he works for two important international companies bringing to them the Italian know-how as a director of the gem-setting division, responsible also for the synergy between production and quality control. He currently lives in Paris and collaborates with designers, goldsmith and cutters among the most quoted in the field.